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Grande Hotel Açores Atlântico

Grande Hotel Açores Atlântico
São Miguel Island, Azores
Paulo Lobo
Studio Paulo Lobo

Grande Hotel Açores Atlântico, flagship property of The Bensaude Hotels Collection, is one of the most iconic hotels in Ponta Delgada. Ideally located close to the city centre with magnificent seafront views, the hotel has recently undergone extensive renovation.

Hotel decor evokes European ‘Grand Hotel’ style and showcases a fascinating collection of unique and historic pieces relating to the Bensuade Group’s century-old maritime tradition. Guest rooms are sumptuous and furnishings are elegant. A selection of Anglepoise Original 1227 Mini wall mounted, desk, table and floor lights in jet black provide lighting at bedside, on tables and in cosy seating areas, their iconic 1930’s design blending well with the sophisticated interior style.


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