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Heal's Festival of Light 2018

Heal's Festival of Light 2018
Sania Pell and Rémy Mishon

Once again premier contemporary design store Heal’s dedicated all of their windows and a sizable chunk of their central London Tottenham Court Road ground floor space to their annual Festival of Light, a showcase of some of the world’s most striking and contemporary lighting designs.

This 3-week long showcase highlighted both emerging and iconic designers first-hand and included a striking steam bent wooden pod installation by Tom Raffield, a Smart Home Concept by Phillips and the unveiling of a new autumnal Russet Red edition of our very own Type 75 Mini desk lamp which also featured in a window in a striking ‘miracle of balance’ display.

Thanks to Sania Pell and Rémy Mishon for the design, Jude Singleton for the set build, Vitra for the Standard SP chair, and Heal’s.

Type 75 Mini Metallic Wall Light

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