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The Anglepoise Way - Purpose, Vision and Goals (Chapter 2)

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Here we ‘start with the end in mind’ and focus on understanding the ‘Why’ question, with discussions about the critical nature of Purpose and Vision. Using tools like RADAR – but still focusing on the journey, and why we start with ‘Great Place to work’. This is the ‘Why, How and What’ of all that we do. 

Watch (1:54)

Purpose, Vision and Goals – Download Chapter 2

> See the next chapter – Authenticity (Chapter 3)

The Importance of Balance in Life and Business is a handbook by our Joint MD, John Purnell. It’s a culmination of his own experiences and also underpins Anglepoise’s culture and way of working.

For a copy of the book, email hello@anglepoise.com with a name and address and we’ll send you a copy.