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The lamps sparking special memories


Ben’s Story

If you have a vintage Anglepoise that’s a family heirloom, remember, we’re here to take care of it. Our Customer Support team are usually the ones to hear first hand how much a dear lamp means to people. Ben, who’s been helping our customers for more than a decade, recently spoke to a customer who wanted his beloved Type 75 fixed for very personal reasons.

“A customer recently called to say that he had been given a Type 75 by his late grandfather at the start of university but it was no longer working. This lamp was so much more than a study companion or source of light; every time he switched it on, it was a little memory bank and reminder of his grandad. I couldn’t wait to get the lamp working again, sparking those special memories.”

Do you have a story to tell? get in touch via our social channels or on our website.