Ask Lauz, repair is at the heart

Repair is at the heart of what we have always done at Anglepoise. It’s a simple act of love that connects people and things.
In the old factory there was an employee called Alf Jenkman, and for nearly 40 years he was responsible for repairing and servicing lamps for customers. He became pretty darn good at it too, and it created a simple saying at the time, if you needed something doing “Ask Alf …”
Well for years now; not quite 40 I must add! The baton has passed firmly onto another individual, and the problem solving mantra has changed to “Ask Lauz … “ She has worked away and the numbers of small repairs and rewires keep on growing, as do the smiles on our customers faces.
The age of our products keep on increasing too, many now hitting 90 years young, and with this love and attention are still going strong. So, in a world of obsolescence, this really is a shining symbol of permanence. All thanks to Lauz.
So check our extensive and ever increasing range of spares
or if you want to ‘Ask Lauz’ … then take a look at our rewire kits and rewire services