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Behind the 'Abandon Darkness' Movement

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An Anglepoise has always been a light for life. Since its early days, prizing both form and function in equal measure, it has been an illuminating friend that has moved with its owners through life. From lighting up homework and hobbies to homes and offices, it is – and always has been – much more than a lamp.

Watch (3:37)

The video also gives you a glimpse behind the scenes of our recent brand video, Abandon Darkness.

In a world that has become much more throwaway than any one of us would like, we are rethinking the way we manage our business. A part of this is our new Guarantee for Life, which is our promise to keep your light in working order throughout your lifetime.


You can find out more about the Guarantee here but if you want to know why, please watch our video. You’ll hear from MD Simon Terry, his father John Terry who owned the business before him, as well as one of our creative partners, the Garage Soho with advertising legend Sir John Hegarty.


If you would like to hear about our ethos and core values from joint Managing Director John Purnell, which form the core of the culture of Anglepoise the business. Then you can read more here